Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Choose It or Lose It

Here is the mind-blowing good news - we can choose how we spend our time. Time spent in joy, or time spent experiencing any enjoyable emotion, affects the attraction equation by more than any other factor. Many people have spent so many years pleasing everyone but themselves that they have no idea where to begin exploring what it is that they want. Can you relate? The exploration begins and ends with emotions. I ask myself what brings me my greatest joys, and look to do those activities that have the most intensely joyous emotions attached. Allowing yourself to do something you love that you haven’t allowed yourself to do in a while will get you started on the path to sustainable enjoyment and creating and attracting more of what you want. It is that easy. How would you like to explore your ultimate potential? What can you do today to start you on your path?

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