Tuesday, May 15, 2012

R.E.S.P.E.C.T. is now spelled N.V.C.

It was important for Marshall Rosenberg to write Non-Violent Communicaiton (NVC): A Language of Life to share his vision of how communicating in a non-violent way can aide human beings in getting needs met in a way that is beneficial for all parties involved. The key distinctions are that the current language of our culture is violent and not in alignment with communicating in a way that allows all parties in a conversation to have their needs met. Through first observing, then expressing feelings and then needs, and finally making a request that allows the other party to choose to respond in a way that meets their needs, can foster a connection that contributes to both sides getting what they want and need. NVC has opened a whole new world of communication that I see can foster a dialog that meets my need for mutuality and connection. Having read Dr. Marshall Rosenberg's book and attending the Worls School's class on Non- Violent Communication, I now have a new tool of communication available to me that will contribute to my being able to express what I have observed in a given situation. Once I have communicated the observations, I can then express my feelings around what it was that was observed. After having expressed my feelings, I can then share what needs I have around those feelings. I can then make a request of the other party that is applicable to the current moment and that also gives the other party an opportunity to then communicate their feelings and needs in a way that contributes to both sides having their needs met. While I struggle with the process around NVC at this point in time, my vocabulary around my feelings and needs has grown tremendously. I see this as a first step in eventually mastering the language of NVC. As I continue to develop my skill in understanding my feelings and needs, my ability to naturally express my feelings and needs in a non-violent way will flow more easily. Also, as my vocabulary grows and my needs start to become met more fully, I will have more space to inquire as to the needs of others in a way that is harmonious and non-violent. This possibility of being able to communicate in a way that meets my needs and also allows me to contribute to the needs of others getting met is incredibly exciting.

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