You guessed it, I am talking about goals.
Here are some of my personal goals for this blog.
Learn more about and from my fellow blogger and friend, AndyH.
Learn more about myself.
Have someone neither Andy or I know read an entry and make a comment.
Attract a contribution from someone of mild celebrity status.
Challenge one person's thinking and open their mind to something new.
Become smarter through writing and research needed to create my blog entries.
Make someone laugh out loud.
Inspire someone .
Have someone else contribute to our blog on a regular basis.
Have our page rank higher than 4,700,000 in Technorati.
Clear the clutter in my own head to free my thought processes, leading me to new and exciting challenges.
Find my higher purpose and thus enlightenment.
Make new friends.
Diversify my thinking to be more accepting of new ideas.
Spawn innovation.
Create something that someone from a younger generation would think is cool (or whatever term those punk-asses use now days.)
Encourage someone and make their day a little bit brighter.
Improve my spelling and grammar.
Create new habits - like contributing to the blog each day when possible.
If you read our blog, and feel I can check one item off because I made an impact on you, please let me know.
1 comment:
Lots of goals. Does the other team get to shoot?
IMHO learning is good. Learning about myself is one path to wisdom and compassion.
IMHO opening my mind is more useful than applying a corkscrew to yours.
Nothing like taking myself to seriously to get someone else to LOL.
Blog On!
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