I assume your first questions is "Why the question mark?", when you were probably hoping I was an expert that could help you define your passions. Well, I can think of two reasons. First I am not an expert and second, I am trying to define my passions right along with everyone else.
Your next question might be "If this guy isn't an expert, why am I still reading this blog?" Hang with me a little longer, and perhaps we'll learn something about ourselves and our passions together. That is what bloggong is about anyway right? Virtual learning right alongside virtual togetherness.
A quote from What Should I Do With My Life by Po Bronson helped me start to explore my passions - "It's okay not to have an answer, but it's not okay to stop looking for one." One of the passions I discovered was the desire to help and encourage others to achieve a higher level of thought and understanding. What can I say? I set lofty goals for myself.
Sometimes in our world today there seems to be a great deal of ignorance. Religious fundamentalists being brainwashed to perform unspeakable acts against fellow human beings, racial prejudice preventing productive dialog among diverse groups, locking oneself in a room and watching nothing but Spongebob Squarepants. I mean Spongebob is pretty hilarious, but he isn't making anyone a rocket scientist. Ignorance unto itself is acceptable, but the lack of interest in educating oneself to overcome that ignorance is not.
If we truly want to explore our passions, we need to take an unselfish path during our journey to reach the ultimate destination. We need to listen to what others have to say about our proposed passions and after taking what they say to heart, we need to respect one another enough to conduct a serious dialog/debate as to our similarities and our differences so that hopefully both parties can walk away enriched and enlightened in some way.
If you are like me, your journey to finding your passions may be fraught with challenges, pitfalls and setbacks. However, if you consider it a pilgrimage, it can also be overflowing with gifts, revelations, and enlightenment.
Life is a journey, my friends, and I hope to meet you along the way. To have the opportunity to hear about your passions and become further enlightened would be my great joy.
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