Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Change We Can “Beleaguer” In

I voted for Barak Obama. I argued for his positions with my “red-leaning” friends and family, and I even went so far as to insist (as much as I’m allowed to) that my wife and I watch all the debates (and there were a lot, as we all know). I believe I was pretty typical of a lot of people this last election cycle, and I have been looking forward to the change we all keep hearing about.

But slowly – ever so slowly – I am beginning to come to feel just a little bit, well beleaguered. Every news channel, every news website; heck, a bunch of entertainment publications even , are all going on and on and on about how different things are going to be, and how refreshing the political climate in Washington DC will be, and how marvelous it is that Mr. Obama is filling his administration with the folks he’s nominated for the various positions, etc. etc. etc. We have seen Barak Obama on our TV screens, in our newspapers, on our websites, and on our billboards for the past what – 2 years? Longer?

I guess I naively thought that we’d be able to give both Obama and his family, as well as ourselves a small break after the election. I mean, surely there is other news in the world – not to mention that after January 20th, 2009 there will be plenty of time to refocus on President Obama.

I understand that we are in a time of economic crisis. I understand we have a “lame duck” president in office. I understand that the world is anxiously awaiting what comes next, but even Barak Obama said we only have one president at one time. Let’s let Mr. Bush finish up his turn, and then we can flood the airwaves and ether with all that change.

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