Tuesday, December 30, 2008

VHF = Veritable Hedonistic Fatties

Tomorrow is my 40th birthday and I must be getting old, because I find myself thinking about the youth of today and how the world seems to be going to hell in a hand basket.

Kids today seem to be so into themselves and their stuff. Granted, we are all very materialistic in this country, but kids today have everything at their fingertips - Ipods, cell phones, computers, video games, High Definition Television with remote. You name it and they have it.

When I was a kid we had four VHF and three UHF channels - only two of the UHF channels came in without major static and one of those was in Spanish. The one that did come in decent became the Fox network. Kids today probably don't even know what VHF and UHF are, let alone what they stand for.

We had a remote for our TV - it was the youngest child in the family that could walk, and if you wanted to watch a different channel, you told them to go up to the TV and change the channel. You'd watch that channel for a second while they stood there and if you didn't like what was on, they changed it to the next one and the cycle continued until the commercial was over and you inevitably ended up back on the original channel. If the commercial wasn't over yet, you'd have them cycle through one more time just in case something good came on during the trip around the dial. Probably the only thing that broke that up was when you tried a UHF channel and you had to fool with the antennae to get it to come in. And if the President came on, you were hosed because he was on every available channel. There was no Nickelodeon or Comedy Central. If the President was on you had better habla Espanol. That is why kids today are obese - they have a remote control. They don't have to get up and change the channel anymore.

If we wanted to call someone, we had better limber up our index finger because we only had a rotary phone. If you had a phone number with a bunch of nines or zeros in it, you were a loner with no friends because no one wanted to take the time to call you. They could ride their bike to your house faster than they could call you from 2 miles away. Only thing is, people didn't show up unannounced back then because they had something people today don't have. What is that called again? Oh yeah, manners.

And computers? Please. The computers back then were bigger than my house and cost 100 times more. Let me just put it this way, if you bought a calculator it cost $50 and all it did was add, subtract, multiply and divide. If you had the deluxe model it might take the square root of something. The Internet was a twinkle in Al Gore's eye.

Yeah, the kids today have everything and their parents had to mortgage everything they don't even own (read: mortgage crisis) to give it to them.

Two steps forward and three steps back.

Let's use a little restraint and common sense and get over ourselves and our need to own everything under the sun. Otherwise, we may not be around to see the sun.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Happy Happy Joy Joy

To all my brethren out there that feel Cathartic Squirt blog entries are all negativity and bitterness - this blogs for you.

a litter of young pups
Overfilling all your cups
Bright sun-
shining through drops of rain
colors chasing away pain

closeness to the ones with whom you share
closeness to the ones for whom you care

contentment in what it is you do
contentment with you as you

It is my hope that this finds you well.

Take care, dear friends.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Addams Family Love Children - Hank Paulson and Rod Blagojevich

Bad things happen in government when the Addams family interbreeds.

Uncle Fester




Hank Paulson - Treasury Secretary


Pugsley Addams


Cousin It


Rod Blagojevich - Infamous Illinois Govener

Monday, December 15, 2008


Who are the real patriots? Are they the ones that are currently saying we live in the best country in the world, or the ones that say we no longer live in the best country in the world? I think I fall into the second camp. That isn't to say I don't want us to be the best, it just says that I think we can do better.

While I want us to be the best and offer the best, I am convinced we can no longer say with conviction that we are the best. I don't want to see our athletes standing up shouting USA! USA! USA! I do want to see them win, but let's step back a bit and win with humility. Arrogance is what got us where we are today.

Let's take an introspective look and try to find those areas where we need improvement and work toward making those areas better. Reducing environmental impact (we contribute more than any other country to carbon dioxide in the environment), reducing our homeless population, education (especially in math, science, art and music), reducing AIDs and infectious STDs, reducing our over-populated prisons, etc. The list is long, and if we don't start now we will just be that much further behind the eight ball.

I am not a Socialist, but could we spread the wealth a little more freely and reduce our individual greed. I think what the haves need to understand is that everyone benefits when the wealth is spread. If we create a society of only haves and have nots, we head down an economic road similar to where we are now and I think we all recognize that isn't good.

We have lost our moral high ground. We aren't setting the right example for the rest of the world to follow and for that I am ashamed. We should want to be better than that and do better than that.

There is nothing, in my view, un-patriotic about thinking your country could be better. We wouldn't have the United States if people didn't think we could be better. While England may not have thought them patriotic, I am glad they stepped forward to risk everything. Without them stepping up trying to make things better, we may have ended up as Canada's 11th Province.

At least we'd have affordable health care!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

He Shoots, He Scores!

You guessed it, I am talking about goals.

Here are some of my personal goals for this blog.

Learn more about and from my fellow blogger and friend, AndyH.
Learn more about myself.
Have someone neither Andy or I know read an entry and make a comment.
Attract a contribution from someone of mild celebrity status.
Challenge one person's thinking and open their mind to something new.
Become smarter through writing and research needed to create my blog entries.
Make someone laugh out loud.
Inspire someone .
Have someone else contribute to our blog on a regular basis.
Have our page rank higher than 4,700,000 in Technorati.
Clear the clutter in my own head to free my thought processes, leading me to new and exciting challenges.
Find my higher purpose and thus enlightenment.
Make new friends.
Diversify my thinking to be more accepting of new ideas.
Spawn innovation.
Create something that someone from a younger generation would think is cool (or whatever term those punk-asses use now days.)
Encourage someone and make their day a little bit brighter.
Improve my spelling and grammar.
Create new habits - like contributing to the blog each day when possible.

If you read our blog, and feel I can check one item off because I made an impact on you, please let me know.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What Color Is Your Economic Meltdown?

In Richard Nelson Bolles best selling book What Color Is Your Parachute?, the author lays out several tips and strategies for those seeking jobs in order to help them through what could easily be considered one of the most stressful times of their life and for this he is to be commended.

That said, it seems that in our current culture, everyone is out to get that golden parachute that ensures them they will be set no matter what. The problem is, through the re-distribution of wealth from the poor to the already wealthy, we are seeing a mass of inept members of the good ol' boys club get there golden parachute and leave the company and its shareholders and employees in ruins.

We don't seem to want to take personal responsibility for our actions in this country anymore and everyone of us is to blame for allowing that to happen. Why aren't we keeping our leaders responsible for their actions?

Over the past eight years, the administration has been absent, letting the corporations run rough-shod over the citizens and Constitution of our once great Nation. We don't have a Government of the people right now, we have a Government of the corporation.

Like my fellow blog contributor, I am hopeful that Obama can deliver on the change and hope he so often talks about, and we should give him that opportunity. His inspiring message of change and his life's example of where living with hope can take you, were one of the reasons I voted for him. Let's also let him know we are ready for that change by stepping up to the plate to be the country we once were - willing to answer the call for sacrifice to help our fellow man or woman.

Are we willing to sacrifice our television, our toys, and our free time to engage in working hard toward solutions for the economy, alternative energy, infrastructure, and environment? Are we ready to rekindle our sense of responsibility for our own actions? If not, who else can we blame but ourselves?

Let's each ask ourselves, "What can I do today to contribute to my cause?," whatever your personal cause may be. Maybe the answer won't come immediately, but if you keep asking and keep searching, I promise a solution or idea will present itself.

There are huge issues out there that need to be fixed. We must work together to find solutions.

What's your idea?

Up In Smoke

I used to smoke cigarettes. For twenty-three years I was a pack-a-day smoker, and it wasn’t until I was nearing my fortieth birthday that I finally gave ‘em up. It wasn’t that turning forty was the compelling factor – it was a combination of life circumstances: marrying someone who didn’t smoke, the desire to raise a family and set the right example, a desire to increase my personal fitness and overall health, and let’s not dismiss the pressure that society has placed on the habit. Overall, it was a myriad of reasons, all good, that drove me to finally say goodbye to my old friend. And let’s be honest, cigarettes do become like friends to the smoker. They are always there to cheer us up when we are down. They are a constant companion – always with us. They may at times make us feel badly, but generally convince us everything is alright. And like most of our friends, they provide us the opportunity to meet other like-minded people. I used to enjoy taking my smoke break and interacting with the other smokers – every hour or two we’d gather outside and light up, discussing the current affairs or the game, or the office gossip, etc. Smokers do consider themselves a sort of private club – it’s always interesting to watch the non-smokers who elects to tag along. They always look so out of place to me.

Anyway, I quit smoking. It took 8 separate tries before I finally put them away. I’d say “for good” but like any addiction, this is a “one day at a time” deal. I can only state with some assurance that I will not smoke today; tomorrow will have to wait for tomorrow. I used a medication, Chantix, which really worked for me. But the factor that really made it possible was my desire to once and for all give it up. It’s a mind game, really. I would imagine holding my yet-to-be-born daughter and having her arch away from me because she didn’t like the way her daddy smelled. That image alone kept me focused. I’ll admit, there were (and are) times that I would really like to have a smoke, but I find it pretty easy to say no these days. And I’m grateful for that.

Barak Obama smokes. Well, publicly he’s discussed having quit, but he’s also on record saying he’s cheated a few times. I can speak from experience that when you say “cheated a few times “ you really haven’t quit yet. It just doesn’t work that way for an addicted smoker – of which he’s an admitted one. I know there are those people who can smoke socially, but I am not one of those, and neither is Barak Obama. In any case, he has taken some heat about his smoking habit, and there was an article discussing whether or not he’ll be “allowed” to smoke in the White House. I had to laugh. Hate to break it to you non-smokers, but if he’s still smoking come January 20th, he’ll be puffing in the White House, I can guarantee it.

Never-smokers (people who have never smoked) simply don’t get it when you talk about how hard it is to quit smoking. My wife is a fine example. She claims to have never tried smoking, and when we discuss the incredible will-power it takes to just say no, she seems to lump it together with denying oneself a favorite pair of shoes or television program. I try to explain it is as brutal as any addiction, but again, unless you have that life experience you just can’t understand. I’ve given up expecting her to, and really there’s no reason she has to. But when I was actively going through withdrawals and fighting it every inch of the way, it would drive me nuts when she (or anyone else for that matter) would say things like, “it can’t be that bad”, or “just chew some gum”.

I’m glad I quit. And I hope our new president can win his own battle eventually. It’s always sad to say goodbye to an old friend, but sometimes we just need to move on.

Change We Can “Beleaguer” In

I voted for Barak Obama. I argued for his positions with my “red-leaning” friends and family, and I even went so far as to insist (as much as I’m allowed to) that my wife and I watch all the debates (and there were a lot, as we all know). I believe I was pretty typical of a lot of people this last election cycle, and I have been looking forward to the change we all keep hearing about.

But slowly – ever so slowly – I am beginning to come to feel just a little bit, well beleaguered. Every news channel, every news website; heck, a bunch of entertainment publications even , are all going on and on and on about how different things are going to be, and how refreshing the political climate in Washington DC will be, and how marvelous it is that Mr. Obama is filling his administration with the folks he’s nominated for the various positions, etc. etc. etc. We have seen Barak Obama on our TV screens, in our newspapers, on our websites, and on our billboards for the past what – 2 years? Longer?

I guess I naively thought that we’d be able to give both Obama and his family, as well as ourselves a small break after the election. I mean, surely there is other news in the world – not to mention that after January 20th, 2009 there will be plenty of time to refocus on President Obama.

I understand that we are in a time of economic crisis. I understand we have a “lame duck” president in office. I understand that the world is anxiously awaiting what comes next, but even Barak Obama said we only have one president at one time. Let’s let Mr. Bush finish up his turn, and then we can flood the airwaves and ether with all that change.

Monday, December 8, 2008

To Blog or Not To Blog

Is that the question?

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, and/or readers comments on my blog entries.

Sometimes blogging is tough. Although I am not sure it should be this tough seeing as how I have only been doing it for four whole days.

I guess coming up with something compelling each day is much more challenging than I thought. Of course, since this blog is in its infancy, there probably aren't too many folks wasting five minutes of their life reading it.

At the end of the day, my goal is to challenge you, inspire you or entertain you.

What gives me the audacity to think I can do any of those things? Perhaps my stellar ability to plagiarize Shakespeare like a mofo.

To be honest I am not really sure, but I do hope that through my virtual dialog I can reach out and touch at least one person. Kate Beckinsale wouldn't be bad, but I am making Much Ado About Nothing, as usual.

You know, I told my buddy Henry V times that gentlemen in England now-a-bed shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here to read my blog, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that read this blog with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

If I didn't inspire you or entertain you with this, then at the very least I can recommend you check out Kenneth Branagh's movies from Shakespearse's works - Hamlet, Much Ado About Nothing and Henry V.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Howdy Pilgrim

Feeling burned out and don't know how to get out of your funk?

Try this - the next time you go on a journey, consider it a pilgrimage. It can be a journey to the store down the street, a holiday trip to the in-laws, or your next vacation.

A pilgrim is typically defined as someone who journeys in foreign lands. What is a more foreign land than your in-laws home?

In order to be a pilgrim, the next time you are out, take the opportunity to keep your mind open to experiencing something - anything - new. It doesn't have to be something huge. Just the fact that you make it a goal to be open to a new experience will change your attitude to be more positive.

How often do we not even see doors that may be open all around us because we were singular in our purpose or had a negative attitude.

Literally, stop and smell the roses.
Donate a dollar to a cause you believe in.
Hold the door open for a fellow human being.
Be open to receiving something positive from the universe.

Let the driver of that other car cut in front of you. If you get upset, he owns you. If you let it slide, you remain in control. Why would you let someone own you over such a petty item. You are better than that. And besides, courtesy is contagious. Spread some courtesy and feel good about yourself for doing so.

Being positive and sending out positive vibes will attract more positives into your life.

Pick one thing to be happy for in your life each morning when you get up and it will start your day on the right note.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Blahblah O'Riley: It's Only Consumer Wasteland

Through the miracle of modern technology, I am able to write to you today from a desert.

Desert: a wasteland or forsaken region; a barren tract incapable of supporting population.

The wasteland I am writing to you from today isn't the Mojave or the Sahara. It is the United States of America.

Pete Townsend was prophetic when he wrote about the generation he referred to as the 'teenage wasteland' in his song Baba O'Riley. Although I don't think the prophecy of his words revealed themselves fully until now. Through their over-consumption and lack of reciprocal contributions back into society, Baby Boomers have stripped our country of its heritage and the American dream where the tired, the poor, the huddled masses can come and, through sheer hard work and determination, somehow get ahead and make something of themselves. This used to be the rule, but now I fear it is quickly becoming the exception. Pete Townsend himself said how disappointed he was in his generation, the Baby Boomer generation, because they haven't made significant positive contributions back to society.

Let's try an analogy to see if I can paint a better picture. Let's say the Baby Boomer generation is Marcia Brady, the Millennials are Cindy Brady when she was at the height of her cuteness - you know, the lisp episode - and Generation X is Jan. However, the interesting plot twist to this episode is that Jan doesn't care that Marcia is getting all of the attention. In fact, Jan is happy to give Marcia (or Cindy for that matter) the attention, but she so wants Marcia to use her prom queen status to make the world a better place. Unfortunately, Marcia hasn't set a very good example up to this point. Basically, she went to the Prom and willingly sucked down the roofie martini. You know what happens then. Except in this episode, not only did Marcia get screwed, Jan and Cindy got raped.

This is one of those 'To Be Continued...' episodes, like when the Brady's went to Hawaii. But this time, the cliff hanger to the next show isn't what Vincent Price will do to the kids, it is whether Marcia will wake up from her hangover, realize her downward spiral and go to rehab to kick her addictions to hedonism, money, and consumerism. Will she realize those aren't the things that make her happy? Will she realize that what will truly make her happy is setting the right example for her siblings? Does Marcia understand that she isn't the prom queen anymore? Oh!, how quickly she went from the prom queen to the spinster chaperoning the dance.

Do the Baby Boomers realize they cannot actually live forever and that time for them is getting short? There is only so much time left to try to set things right. Only so much time to make a contribution back to society and redeem their over-consumption.

As Brian Johnson from AC/DC so eloquently put it:
"Hey there all you middlemen...throw away your fancy clothes...and while you're out there sittin on a fence.
So get off your ass and come down here...cause Rock n Roll ain't no riddle man.
To me it makes good, good sense. Good sense, let's go."

Friday, December 5, 2008

Defining your passions?

I assume your first questions is "Why the question mark?", when you were probably hoping I was an expert that could help you define your passions. Well, I can think of two reasons. First I am not an expert and second, I am trying to define my passions right along with everyone else.

Your next question might be "If this guy isn't an expert, why am I still reading this blog?" Hang with me a little longer, and perhaps we'll learn something about ourselves and our passions together. That is what bloggong is about anyway right? Virtual learning right alongside virtual togetherness.

A quote from What Should I Do With My Life by Po Bronson helped me start to explore my passions - "It's okay not to have an answer, but it's not okay to stop looking for one." One of the passions I discovered was the desire to help and encourage others to achieve a higher level of thought and understanding. What can I say? I set lofty goals for myself.

Sometimes in our world today there seems to be a great deal of ignorance. Religious fundamentalists being brainwashed to perform unspeakable acts against fellow human beings, racial prejudice preventing productive dialog among diverse groups, locking oneself in a room and watching nothing but Spongebob Squarepants. I mean Spongebob is pretty hilarious, but he isn't making anyone a rocket scientist. Ignorance unto itself is acceptable, but the lack of interest in educating oneself to overcome that ignorance is not.

If we truly want to explore our passions, we need to take an unselfish path during our journey to reach the ultimate destination. We need to listen to what others have to say about our proposed passions and after taking what they say to heart, we need to respect one another enough to conduct a serious dialog/debate as to our similarities and our differences so that hopefully both parties can walk away enriched and enlightened in some way.

If you are like me, your journey to finding your passions may be fraught with challenges, pitfalls and setbacks. However, if you consider it a pilgrimage, it can also be overflowing with gifts, revelations, and enlightenment.

Life is a journey, my friends, and I hope to meet you along the way. To have the opportunity to hear about your passions and become further enlightened would be my great joy.

What is a Cathartic Squirt?

Cathartic Squirt: a small amount of expressed angst, designed to make oneself feel better